Tag: Chikka Srinivas

Best Shoulder Pain Relief Exercises at Best Gym near Karkhana

Best Shoulder Pain Relief Exercises at Best Gym near Karkhana Are you experiencing persistent shoulder pain? Don’t worry, Fitness9 has got you covered. We have the best shoulder pain relief exercises that can help you get back to your normal routine. One of the most common causes of shoulder pain is rotator cuff issues. This […]

Certified instructor Chikka Srinivas at Fitness9 Studio and Gym Near Gunrock

Spin to Slim Your Legs. Try cycling classes for a calorie-scorching twist on traditional stationary biking. Spinning is a cardio (aerobic) workout set to music and led by our certified instructor Chikka Srinivas. Spinning bikes are equipped with a weighted flywheel in the front that picks up speed as you pedal, and the seats and […]