Tag: Weight Loss for Ladies

Ardha Purvottanasana Reverse Tabletop Pose Fitness9 Covid Workout

Ardha Purvottanasana Reverse Tabletop Pose Fitness9 Covid19 Workout Benefits of Ardha Purvottanasana / Reverse Tabletop Pose Reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. Stretches & strengthens the lower body muscles, back, chest, and neck. Stimulates the lungs and abdominal organs. Reduces thyroid problems. Fitness 9 is a Gym, Health and fitness center near Secunderabad, Bowenpally area in […]

body sculpting for ladies in secunderabad

Body Sculpt for Ladies Near Secunderabad

Body Sculpt for Women – Special Batch Starting 2nd January 2020. Timing 10 am to 11 am Body sculpt is a weight loss challenge for ladies in Fitness 9 Studio and Gym.     Are you looking for the best gym full-body workout routines for ladies in Secunderabad? If so, then you’ve come to the […]