Exercise Benefits Fitness At-home Workouts Online Gym in Gunrock

Downward Dog Chaturanga Upward Dog – Exercise Benefits Fitness At-home Workouts Online

Downward Dog (or) Adho Mukha Shvanasana

Strengthens your arms, and legs and stretches your spine, hips, hamstrings, and calves.

It also tones your arms and abdominals. Chaturanga strengthens and tones the wrists, arms, abdominal muscles, and lower back. It also strengthens the muscles surrounding the spine, which helps to improve posture.

Upward-Facing Dog (or) Urdhva Mukha Svanasana will challenge you to lift and open your chest. Benefits

  • Improves posture
  • Strengthens the spine, arms, wrists
  • Stretches lungs, shoulders, and abdomen.

Downward Dog, Chaturanga, Upward Dog: A Complete Guide to These Yoga Poses

Downward dog, chaturanga, and upward dog are three of the most basic and important yoga poses. They are often used in a sequence to warm up the body and prepare for more challenging poses.

Downward Dog

Downward dog is a pose that stretches the back, shoulders, and hamstrings. It also strengthens the arms and core. To do downward dog, start on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Slowly straighten your legs, keeping your back flat and your heels reaching towards the ground. Hold for 5-10 breaths.


Chaturanga is a push-up variation that strengthens the upper body and core. To do chaturanga, start in downward dog. Lower your body down until your chest touches the ground, keeping your elbows close to your sides and your body in a straight line from your head to your heels. Push back up to the downward dog. Repeat 8-10 times.

Upward Dog

The upward dog is a pose that stretches the spine and shoulders. It also strengthens the arms and core. To do the upward dog, start in Chaturanga. Push up from the ground, straightening your arms and lifting your hips up towards the ceiling. Point your toes and gaze towards your fingertips. Hold for 5-10 breaths.

Benefits of Downward Dog, Chaturanga, and Upward Dog

  • Improves flexibility. Downward dog, chaturanga, and upward dog all stretch the back, shoulders, hamstrings, and spine. This can help to improve flexibility and range of motion.
  • Strengthens the upper body. Chaturanga and upward dog are both push-up variations that strengthen the arms, shoulders, and core. This can help to improve posture and reduce back pain.
  • Improves balance. The downward dog requires good balance and coordination. Practicing a downward dog can help to improve balance and coordination throughout the body.
  • Reduces stress. Downward dog, chaturanga, and upward dog are all calming and relaxing poses. Practicing these poses can help to reduce stress and improve overall mental health.

At-home Workout

If you are new to yoga, you can start by practicing downward dog, chaturanga, and upward dog for 5-10 breaths each. As you get more experienced, you can increase the number of repetitions and hold each pose for longer. You can also add other poses to your workout, such as sun salutations, warrior poses, and seated twists.

To do an at-home workout, you will need a yoga mat and comfortable clothing. You can find yoga mats at most sporting goods stores or online. Comfortable clothing is important because you will be moving your body in different ways. You may want to wear loose-fitting clothing that does not restrict your movement.

To start your workout, warm up with some gentle stretches. You can do some arm circles, leg swings, and torso twists. Once you are warmed up, you can start practicing downward dog, chaturanga, and upward dog. You can also add other poses to your workout.

As you are practicing, pay attention to your breath. Breathe deeply and evenly throughout your workout. If you find yourself getting stressed or overwhelmed, take a few deep breaths and relax.

At the end of your workout, cool down with some gentle stretches. You can do some hamstring stretches, calf stretches and back stretches.

Yoga is a great way to improve your flexibility, strength, balance, and mental health. It is also a great way to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. If you are looking for a new way to get fit, yoga is a great option.


