Year: 2020

Medicine Ball Sit-Up at Best Gym near Karkhana

Medicine Ball Sit-Up Throw is a strength exercise that works your abs. What are the benefits of the Medicine ball SIT-UP throw? This will develop your intermuscular coordination, build up your abs and lower back muscles, and burn more calories by using more muscle mass. Fun, versatile, and with a wide variety of exercises. The […]

Ardha Purvottanasana Reverse Tabletop Pose Fitness9 Covid Workout

Ardha Purvottanasana Reverse Tabletop Pose Fitness9 Covid19 Workout Benefits of Ardha Purvottanasana / Reverse Tabletop Pose Reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. Stretches & strengthens the lower body muscles, back, chest, and neck. Stimulates the lungs and abdominal organs. Reduces thyroid problems. Fitness 9 is a Gym, Health and fitness center near Secunderabad, Bowenpally area in […]

Exercise Benefits Fitness At-home Workouts Online Gym in Gunrock

Downward Dog Chaturanga Upward Dog – Exercise Benefits Fitness At-home Workouts Online Downward Dog (or) Adho Mukha Shvanasana Strengthens your arms, and legs and stretches your spine, hips, hamstrings, and calves. It also tones your arms and abdominals. Chaturanga strengthens and tones the wrists, arms, abdominal muscles, and lower back. It also strengthens the muscles […]

How to Do Glute Bridges Exercise for Hips and Butt

Fitness9 Gym Near Diamond Point Secunderabad – Glute Bridges Exercise for Hips and Butt How to Do Glute Bridges Exercise for Hips and Butt Glute bridges are one of the best exercises to strengthen your hips and butt muscles. They can help you improve your posture, balance, mobility, and performance in various sports and activities. […]


Fitness9 Gym in Diamond Point “Happiness & Satisfaction is going to the gym. So, going every day to the gym is one way to accomplish some goals. Regular exercise carries many physical and mental health benefits. It boosts brainpower and sharpens our memory, one can improve self-confidence. Your mind gets filled with positive thoughts and […]

Fitness9 Gym a full view of equipment

FITNESS9 GYM & STUDIO near Gunrock, Secunderabad provides various fitness programs throughout the day. A client can walk in anytime and sweat it out. “No Nonsense, just work out” – with an aggressive motto,  FITNESS9 offers many programs as ●Cardio Fusion workouts:- Zumba, Kickboxing, Core, Step Workout & Weight Training. ●Gym:- General Training & Personal […]